NEWS - March 2020 - #2
What an unexpected & splendid surprise, the following news is to share with you!
It is my genuine pleasure to inform you that my sculpture, Mejiro Birds in Plum Blossoms, has been chosen to be used as the central image for the upcoming Visions of Spring gallery poster & promotional mailer!
What an honor to be juried into this show - and now also to know that these two little birds will be winging their way across the country to announce the NSS sculptural celebration of Spring!
"Visions of Spring" opened March 2nd and will run through May, 8th, 2020 at the new National Sculpture Society Gallery in Manhattan - New York, New York.
It truly is wonderful to once again have the chance to share my artistic voice & vision in New York City, at & through the NSS Gallery!
My sincerest thanks to everyone at NSS headquarters for their time, energy & care in making this and every show a reality! Further, thank you to each of the judges who chose to include my sculpture in this exhibition!
It is such a pleasure to share this journey with each of you!! My very best wishes to all!! JD
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Mejiro Birds in Plum Blossoms sculpture's dialogue reads:
"While walking through Tokyo one spring afternoon, I was transfixed by the splendor and fragrance of a plum tree in full bloom. The blossoms were so numerous and large that they obscured the tree's interior spaces. When I leaned in to have a closer look, I was suddenly confronted by a tiny green face staring back at me. With a dart, it plunged away - back into the color-dappled boughs. As quickly as I could, I parted the many blooms and peered inside. Two beautiful mejiro birds were wandering and flitting amidst the blossomed-realm. My mind breathed in deeply that wondrous vignette. Then they were gone." JDW
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Additional images of Jeremiah's work are available through the National Sculpture Society website's Elected Member's page. Jeremiah's individual NSS website feature is linked below.
Jeremiah D. Welsh - National Sculpture Society Web Page
© 2017 Jeremiah D. Welsh