NEWS - May 2020 - #1
It would seem that May is fast passing us by...
Flowers are blooming, insects are buzzing and the mountain streams are dappled with rising fish. Despite the many challenges to be faced ... there is also much to be thankful for.
That being said, before May is past, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge something very special.
Here then are a few bronze details of my new fly fishing sculpture which Mr. John O'Hern was so gracious as to discuss in the opening paragraphs of his article, "Wild & Free," as part of American Art Collector's special section "Collector's Focus - Wildlife Art".
My sincerest gratitude to Mr. O'Hern for his wonderfully thoughtful commentary - as well for his reflections upon my conversation with him about my sculpture, Cutthroat Rise, Whet on Dry
I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to share my thoughts about this work with him and to be counted among the other wonderful artists within his article!
discussed in
American Art Collector
"Collector's Focus - Wildlife Art"
article by Mr. John O'Hern
Though now on display at Wiford Gallery in Santa Fe - Cutthroat Rise, Whet on Dry has not yet been released publicly as a finished bronze. However, what a wonderful pre-cursor to such things it is to have had this piece discussed so positively in the introduction of this splendid article!
As the weeks ahead unfold I will be sharing more details about this sculpture and its development . For now, I trust and hope that the above images will add a smile to your day and "whet" your appetite!
My genuine thanks to Mr. O'Hern as well as to all of the people at American Art Collector. It is an honor and a pleasure to share my work with you and your readers! JDW
Additional images of Jeremiah's work are available through the National Sculpture Society website's Elected Member's page. Jeremiah's individual NSS website feature is linked below.
Jeremiah D. Welsh - National Sculpture Society Web Page
© 2017 Jeremiah D. Welsh